Why Carolina Living Agent’s Blog

Carolina Living Agents BlogBlogging brings traffic. Traffic brings buyers to your home!

All of the agents that join Carolina Living Real Estate get extensive training on building and creating a roboust website and blog.  Why do we take the time to do this?  While these efforts can be time consuming, they benefit our customers as we market their properties.  Blogs attract more buyers to the Charlotte and surrounding areas.  We all now know that the Internet is king when it comes to buying and selling Real Estate.  Carolina Living agents blog because they are taught and understand this fact. 

Most agents are very afraid of technology.  We train agent so that they learn to embrace it!  More readers means more clients.  We also embrace things like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. 

What this means to our clients.  They have information at their fingertips that help them make a buying or selling decision.  Our listings get views from many different syndicated websites.  What this means is that lisitngs are sent (kind of like an email) all over the interent. 

Our agents understand concepts that are related to SEO (search engine optimization). 

Why we blog?  It helps everyone involved with Carolina Living Real Estate…. That’s why!

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