For Agents – Will You Survive

The last decade has provided agents a windfall of success. The market was so good that almost anyone could expect have a successful real estate career. Today, agents are faced with many challenges brought about by our failing economy. The type of buyer and seller have changed. The way houses are sold and bought have changed. And the way agents organize and conduct their business has changed.

The agents embracing change will survive the down market. The ones who don’t change the way they work, will be one of the many fatalities of our business.

Never before has the following statement been more meaningful: There are those who make things happen…Those who watch things happen….and Those who say… “What Happened?”

Many agents will feel they need their company to survive, and the company will do it’s best to make the agent feel that way. The truth is, the company needs you more than you need them. Your transactions may decrease over the next few years, but the fees and percentages you pay your company on each deal will not decrease. The result is….less money in your pocket.

A person on a 50/50 split who only does half the transactions this year that they did last year, will be receiving half the commissions they received last year. On the other hand, the same agent with our company receiving 100% of their commission, will receive the same amount of money even though they only did half the transactions. Regardless of your current split, the extra money you would receive with our company could really help offset any reduced transactions.

We want the agent to receive a 100% commission check with no strings attached!
Because of our lower agent count, agents are able to communicate with the owners, other brokers and mentors easily.

Agents who have joined our company tell us that they have learned more advanced skills and techniques with our company, than they have within their entire career

See Carolina Living Agent Careers