Are you looking for ways to save money, go green and get a tax credit all at once. Well House Logic created by the National Association of Realtors has the website and articles for you.
According to Mike DeSenne on he talks about using your tax refund to save money and get a tax credit. If you want to invest a tax refund in your home this year, consider these five great projects that cost around $2,500
1. A tankless task – tankless water heaters
2. Think pink – insulation tips
3. No pane, no gain – window changing tips
4. Give your garage a facelift – garage door idea
5. Emergency power to the people – power tips
This article will give you great ideas for long term savings in and on your Charlotte area home.
Visit for more articles like this. Reprinted from with permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.