Carolina Living Real Estate Has Grown By 4 Agents

Carolina Living has recently added 2 full time agents and 2 referral agents to it’s growing list of professionals.

Also, we are very excited that a team from one of the bigger firms is set to join in late June.

Joining us on a full time basis are Terri Church and Elizabeth Neil.  Both of them come from us from the recently closed DEJ Realty.  Terri was Broker in Charge and has many years experience and millions in closed transactions under belt.  Elizabeth was the top producer at DEJ Realty with many ties to the  NASCAR Community.

We are very excited at the recent growth and future growth on the Horizon.

100% Commissions – It’s is about the Money and Great Support!



Carolina Living Referral Company For Agents

We have recognized that the market it very tough on agents. Many agents have worked very hard on obtaining a license but are finding it difficult to stay on the business. We feel it is important that these agents keep their license active (they worked very hard for them).

We wanted to give these agents a home to hang their license at a very minimal cost ( $25.00 a year ). They can also give Carolina Living Real Estate agents referrals and legally receive a 25% referral fee.

If you are an agent and find yourself in this situation, contact us and we can easily and quickly align you with our referral company, set up specifically for you!

Why 100 Percent Is Better – Carolina Living Real Estate

Happy New Year From Carolina Living Real Estate

I have been thinking about this topic allot lately.  I almost named it ‘what would Donald Trump do’?  The reason is this.  Donald is a business man and he is always looking for the best deal or opportunity that will make him successful.  Real Estate agents should have the same mindset.  Sadly, most don’t.

We have agents at Carolina Living Real Estate that have worked for the biggest named companies in the Charlotte and Lake Norman areas.  We have had the opportunity to see what the Brand actually brings to the table.  We have all worked for 50% or 64%.

From reading Donald Trump and other very successful people, we know that they carefully analyze a decision before making it and once having made it will re-evaluate it often.  While they don’t look back, they keep an eye on the ball at all times.

We encourage agents, during business planning, to evaluate where their dollars are actually going and if dollars spent are actually resulting in Value Add!.  After all it takes money to make money!   It dawns on me that many consumers feel agents are overpaid because some actually do just put a sign in the yard and enter the data into the MLS.  In their defense, if they are giving 30-50% back to their broker, they really don’t have marketing dollars.  To take that a step further, in this market many consumers are saying, “Will you discount your commissions?”.   So, to get the business they may agree to discount and then have pennies left over when then transaction closes.

Another aspect of this how our clients feel about the company we work for.  Before I ever left a Brand name company I asked each client I had worked, “Would they work with me if I did not work for Company A?.  The answer was a resounding yes.   You see it is not about the company, it is about the service we bring.   Our MLS and our websites, show listings from ALL companies!  NO company is immune to the dreaded expired listing.  You see it is not about the company.  It is about the product, the price, the service and the marketing.

Some companies tout the training is worth paying them thousands of dollars.  In some cases the training is very good.  Is it worth potentially 20,000 or more (if you close deals)?  I don’t think so.  We offer some of the best technology training in the area.   We have open discussions about marketing ideas.  We also as a company share ideas on cost effective marketing.  This is real world stuff.

It amazes me that many companies spend a lot of time on ‘marketing’ training.  Of course, they want you to make sales, they make alot of money when you sell.   I feel strongly we need to train on real world scenarios of how we can do our jobs better and represent our customers by understanding the nuances of our transaction forms and how we can give the best advice.  I recently wrote a post about Home Warranties that I am sure most agents have NO idea.   Once learning about how they really work, we sent an email blast to all of our agents make sure they understood and how they can best represent our customers.  That stuff in important!

Note:  How many agents does it take to recruit to make decent money in the multi level marketing agencies!  Ask that question and see about the response.  Then ask about retention of agents.  It takes a long long time.  Then add up how much annually you have paid the company and calculate how long it would take and how many agents it would take to break even.  So, if you pay $26,000 to earn 100% in a year.  You get the picture.

As you evaluate your business plan for 2011, consider where your dollars are going.  I am quite sure your company needs you more than you need them.

Never take you eye off the ball and remember you are running a business!

Have a great 2011 and if you are looking for a change,  give us a call at 704 451 7051!

For Agents – Will You Survive

The last decade has provided agents a windfall of success. The market was so good that almost anyone could expect have a successful real estate career. Today, agents are faced with many challenges brought about by our failing economy. The type of buyer and seller have changed. The way houses are sold and bought have changed. And the way agents organize and conduct their business has changed.

The agents embracing change will survive the down market. The ones who don’t change the way they work, will be one of the many fatalities of our business.

Never before has the following statement been more meaningful: There are those who make things happen…Those who watch things happen….and Those who say… “What Happened?”

Many agents will feel they need their company to survive, and the company will do it’s best to make the agent feel that way. The truth is, the company needs you more than you need them. Your transactions may decrease over the next few years, but the fees and percentages you pay your company on each deal will not decrease. The result is….less money in your pocket.

A person on a 50/50 split who only does half the transactions this year that they did last year, will be receiving half the commissions they received last year. On the other hand, the same agent with our company receiving 100% of their commission, will receive the same amount of money even though they only did half the transactions. Regardless of your current split, the extra money you would receive with our company could really help offset any reduced transactions.

We want the agent to receive a 100% commission check with no strings attached!
Because of our lower agent count, agents are able to communicate with the owners, other brokers and mentors easily.

Agents who have joined our company tell us that they have learned more advanced skills and techniques with our company, than they have within their entire career

See Carolina Living Agent Careers

Agent Careers

As a Real Estate Agent, you work hard for your money and Carolina Living Real Estate knows what it’s like…

Just some of the benefits of being a Carolina Living Real Estate Agent:

-You Receive 100% of Your Commission

-No Franchise Fee

-No Sign Up Fees or Annual Dues

-On Call Dedicated Lender

-E & O Insurance Included

-No Referral Fee for Leads

-Quick Turn Around on Commission Checks

-No Mandatory Floor Time Duty or Meetings

-***Custom Website and Blogging Training***

-You Take Your Listings and Website if You Leave

-In Office Wi-Fi

-Bonus for Recruiting New Agents

-No Mandatory Listing Rates & Listing Terms for Sellers

-All leads routed to all agents in order they are recieved.  Not Favoritism

-FREE enhanced listings

-24 / 7 Access to Our Office

– *** Property Management ***

***Custom Website and Blogging Training*** – We teach each agent that is interested how to build a website /blog at minimal cost to them.  This is not like other agencies giving you a web page.  This is a website that you can control, own and take with you.  It is branded the way you want to brand it and dedicate it to the niche that works for you.  These websites actually have a chance to be found on the major search engines because we teach you how to do it.  Even novices can do this with some effort!

*** Property Management *** – Property Management is huge in this economy.  Our property management division is growing rapidly and offering many opportunities.  Your clients remain your clients.  You can offer full service to your listing clients, get renter leads (these often turn into buyers) and the company shares in listing leads when the seller decided once again to sell!  Most if not all the other 100% companies shy away from Property Management but we embrace it and put the revenue back into the business!

Plan One Team Plan
$35.00 a Month Team Leader Fee $35.00 a Month
$290.00 a Transaction Team Members $5.00 a Month
$290.00 Transaction

If you’re an Agent, we would like to speak with you about the benefits of joining Carolina Living Real Estate. Call us today at 704-451-7051, or email

Carolina Living Real Estate Embracing Green Solutions

At Carolina Living we are embracing technology that eliminates the hassle of shuffling paper.  With our adoption of the software offered by, we can now get all documents signed, sealed and delivered without the client ever picking up a pen, faxing, scanning or handling paper at all.

At Carolina Living Real Estate we are always embracing new technology that enables to serve our clients better and more effeciently.

Contact us and let us show you how.

Why Carolina Living Agent’s Blog

Carolina Living Agents BlogBlogging brings traffic. Traffic brings buyers to your home!

All of the agents that join Carolina Living Real Estate get extensive training on building and creating a roboust website and blog.  Why do we take the time to do this?  While these efforts can be time consuming, they benefit our customers as we market their properties.  Blogs attract more buyers to the Charlotte and surrounding areas.  We all now know that the Internet is king when it comes to buying and selling Real Estate.  Carolina Living agents blog because they are taught and understand this fact. 

Most agents are very afraid of technology.  We train agent so that they learn to embrace it!  More readers means more clients.  We also embrace things like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. 

What this means to our clients.  They have information at their fingertips that help them make a buying or selling decision.  Our listings get views from many different syndicated websites.  What this means is that lisitngs are sent (kind of like an email) all over the interent. 

Our agents understand concepts that are related to SEO (search engine optimization). 

Why we blog?  It helps everyone involved with Carolina Living Real Estate…. That’s why!

Check out these other websites from our agents.

Find Charlotte Homes For Sale

Lake Norman Communities

Gaston Lincoln Home Finder

Homes around Lake Norman

Your Mooresville Homes

Carolina Living Real Estate Mentor Program

Carolina Living Real Estate announces it’s mentor program for new agents.

The problem new agents have is that all the training they get while obtaining a license or with some of the other programs is in the classroom.

When this is completed, they are told to sell the world on their services and abilities.  Trouble is that they have no idea how to handle the inevitable real world situations. 

Carolina Living has instituted a Mentor program that actually steps agents through the processes of showing, listing, marketing and closing a transaction.

For new agents:

  • You get 90% commission until broker status is made.
  • Your mentor goes with you on your first showings and/or until you feel comfortable on your own.
  • Your mentor steps you through the process of writing your offer to purchase contracts and submitting them.
  • Your mentor steps you through the entire process of contract to close.
  • Your mentor helps you with marketing ideas.
  • Your mentor helps you with listing presentations, measuring homes, preparing comps and dealing with clients during the listing period.
  • You are also training on building your own customized website/blog. 

For Mentors:

  • You get 10% of the total commission generated on transactions from your student.
  • You are responsible for going on at least one showing engagement with your student.
  • You are responsible for going on at least one listing presentation with your student.
  • You are responsible for guiding your student from contract to close.

We are committed to the success of every agent within Carolina Living and our mentor program helps everyone involved benefit from the experience.